How to prevent <x>P</x>UP?

I can't find a Windows 10 forum on this so am posting here.

Yesterday I installed software from Dell (a diagnostic program), Check Point (R73 VPN client) and Microsoft (update Windows build 10240).  Along with one of these was a bunch of browser hijacking software (delta-homes,, istartsurf, mailUpdate.exe, etc etc)

The reality is that even with UAC, when we have to install a program we have to open the door wide to that program.  Although such malicious software are classified only as potentially unwanted software, I don't want them ever.  They have sucked up more than 10 hours of my time already.

UAC doesn't offer the granularity to prevent such threats.  Is there a way to add them to the software installation process so that they can be prevented from being installed, instead of having to clean up, imperfectly, after being infected?

  • Edited by K.Kong Friday, July 17, 2015 1:08 AM
July 17th, 2015 1:08am


Firstly, we cannot expect that UAC can prevent all browser hijack or junk add-ons, it controls system changing behavior by using process integrity levels, so even in Windows 7 or 8.1, this also happens when UAC enabled, especially installed with third party software (it allows this add-ons install with the software if you give permission). Thats why we recommended that using Antispyware and download famous software from official website.

TechNet Windows 10 forum


D. Wu

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July 27th, 2015 9:14pm

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